
Notice: Advertising on Cosmetic Crave is being suspended for the time being.

As of September 2013, advertising space will be available on Cosmetic Crave. There will be three different types of advertising packages available for each month and I feel that they are priced fairly in accordance to my readership and views (statistics are shown below). Each package will run from the first day of the month until the last. 

To secure yourself an ad space with me then e-mail: stating which package you would like to book and also a link to your blog. All payments are to be made through PayPal. If all advertising slots have been filled then you will be able to reserve a space for the following month.


- 200 x 200 size ad button in the TOP space on my side bar
- A linked mention to your blog at the bottom of every blog post for your advertising month
- A feature in my advertisers post: tell my readers about your blog and share your links
- A Twitter shoutout for your blog at the start of the month
- An individual #FF mention on Twitter every Friday for the month

One available each month

Next available month: January 2015

- 190 x 190 size ad button on my side bar, placed in a 'first come, first served' order
- A feature in my advertisers post: tell my readers about your blog and share your links
- A #FF mention on Twitter every Friday for the month

Eight available each month

October: 8 remaining

- 180 x 180 size ad button on my side bar, placed in a 'first come, first served' order

Eight available each month
October: 8 remaining

Ad sizes are flexible, but do have to be a maximum of 200px wide.

All advertisers will also be added to a public Twitter list. It's nothing exciting, but just letting you know!
These packages may be subject to change, either in prices or elements of the package.


My audience as of 7th July 2014:
Bloglovin: 3,233
Twitter: 4,146
Instagram: 3,751
GFC: 1,563
 Facebook: 612

Total across all main platforms: 13,305

Page views and other stats available on request.



Thank you all so much for visiting Cosmetic Crave, and thank you for taking the time to read and leave a comment. I read and appreciate every single comment that is left and I do try my best to reply to comments (I'll admit I'm not the best for keeping on top of this). If you leave a comment with a direct and specific question I will often use Twitter to respond to you so I know you see it.

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